Wednesday, 29 January 2014

The Age of Becoming: Diary of an Aspiring Faux Queen - Chapter 4. Make Drag, Not War

Hi there!

I've discovered an upsetting amount of people (mostly heterosexual) who seem oblivious to the difference between drag queens, transsexuals and transvestites

At first, I was APPALLED at the thought of anyone questioning the differences (because in my mind, they're so clear)! However, after a few LONG discussions with some very confused (and sometimes ignorant) people, I've come to realise that it is not expected for people who aren't a part of the queer scene to know the difference, as it is for queer people.

This is because queer people almost naturally learn to acknowledge and accept the existence of a wider array of people, especially people who are a part of our queer community! THIS is because it is expected (and rightly so) that we don't treat ANYONE with the particular breed of intolerance and disrespect that queer people have (since before RuPaul's birth) and continue to experience.

How can I expect every person I meet to know the difference!? As much as I wish it were so, this isn't exactly something that is taught in school.

So, here are some definitions (at the risk of turning my blog into a dictionary):

Drag Queen - A female impersonator or, more generally, a person portraying a female character through appearance and performance (typically lip-synching).

Faux Queen - Same as above but as performed by a female as a female.

Drag King - A female impersonating a male character (opposite of Drag Queen).

Transsexual - A person who identifies and lives as the sex opposite to that they were born to (Note: don't ask if they've had a sex change; it's not your business).

Transvestite - A person who dresses as a female (usually for the purpose of sexual gratification).

There are MANY more, but for the purpose of this entry, I'll leave it there.

Now, I know that I just drew a line between drag queens and transsexuals, but the fact that they are different does not mean that they cannot co-exist! Anyone who watches RuPaul's Drag Race knows that there are some drag queens who also identify as transsexuals. Carmen Carrera is probably the most well-known example of this today, famous for serving body-ody-ody REALNESS before and after transitioning (which took place after she was on Season 3 of the show). 

(The above photo is of Carmen before her transition)

Another great example of the co-existence of the two forms of identity is Monica Beverly-Hillz (with a Z) who actually came out as a trans woman on Season 5 of the show! When asked about it by RuPaul in the reunion episode, she explained: whilst drag is what she does, trans is who she is!

Terms and labels, like people, can be complicated, but it is worth taking the time to learn a bit about them because it can save you from offending someone and/or embarrassing yourself! Be considerate, not an idiot!

Thank you for reading!

Queer Goblin Queen

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