Hi there!
Drag is many things: a community, an art-form, a form of entertainment. However, sometimes, it just feels like POLITICS!
You wouldn't expect such a close community to branch off into so many categories, but there are unlimited ways to express yourself, so why limit the ways to express yourself in drag!? This is why there are so many forms of drag.
Now, as fabulous as it is to see queens sticking together, sometimes the groups that they form just feel like political parties! Sure, this can be a great strategy to work your way up the stripper's pole and it's great to find friends with common interests, but, you're making enemies out of the queens who could actually TEACH you a few things about different styles of drag! Doesn't that seem a little counter-productive?
In my opinion, you should make the most out of your competitors and there are always a few things you can learn from each of them!
Some examples:
Pageant Queens:
If you want to create some BIG hair OR to learn how to rhinestone EVERYTHING, you should talk to a pageant queen! These queens have mastered the Toddlers-and-Tiaras look and the attitude to match! You know what they say: The bigger the hair, the closer to... your ego?
Of course, pageant girls aren't as innocent as they look; they tend to be the first to judge other queens in a competitive environment!
Comedy Queens:
They may not put as much of their focus on a picture-perfect appearance, but beyond the glamour, comedy is a GREAT part of the allure of drag! It is, after all, a form of ENTER-TAINT-MENT! As a friend once said to me: There is nothing more attractive than a beautiful woman who is willing to look ugly and these queens can be drop-dead-GORGEOUS!
Fishy Queens:
What's that I'm smelling? It must be the tightness of Willam's tuck! These queens impersonate women SO well, I find myself attracted to them! Of course, there IS more to drag than looking pretty, but it doesn't hurt!
Even real women get the 5 o'clock shadow, right?
Celebrity Impersonators:
Drag is ALL about impersonation and these queens have mastered this art, which many of us attempt and fail at on a daily basis. LESBEHONEST, who doesn't dream of being famous!?
Celebrity Impersonators:
Drag is ALL about impersonation and these queens have mastered this art, which many of us attempt and fail at on a daily basis. LESBEHONEST, who doesn't dream of being famous!?
I am still convinced that Chad Michaels and Cher are the same person.
Some drag parties don't like to fit themselves into any one of the established categories, so they create their own! Born of talent, ego and great taste in films, I present to you:
This famous girl-group consisted of some of RuPaul's most talented Season 3 queens: Delta Work, Carmen Carrera, Manila Luzon and, the queen herself, Raja Gemini.
And the queens who weren't Heathers?
Of course, girl-groups are like fast-food chains: they never just stop at one! Exhibit B:
Roxxxy + Alaska + Detox = Ro-La-Dex?
Oh, that's the one!
RO-LASKA-TOX: "The new prescription drug for people who are gagging!"
I feel like I'm forgetting one... It must be SHARON NEEDLES! She may not belong to a drag party, but she could be a party of her own! I mean, she is from PARTY CITY!
Thank you for reading!
Queer Goblin Queen
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